Som mange andre hjemmesider og applikationer bruger vores webstedsdomæne '' og applikation (herefter vores 'hjemmeside' eller 'side') cookies og andre teknologier (såsom web beacons og weblagring), gennem hvilke vi, JWS Americas S.à r.l., med registreret kontor på 44 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg og registreret i Luxembourg Trade and Companies med CVR-nummer B 249539, og JWS International S.à r.l. og hovedsæde på 44 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg samt registreret i Luxembourg Trade and Companies med CVR-nummer B 249566, som 'Joint Controllers', indsamler og behandler persondata til forskellige formål. I denne politik henviser vi til alle disse teknologier som 'cookies'.
Ved hjælp af cookies kan vi indsamle oplysninger om din enhed og din aktivitet for eksempel browsertype og browserinformation, din computers operationssystem, din IP-adresse, sider du besøger eller tjenester, du bruger.
Denne politik forklarer, hvilke cookies vi bruger, hvordan og hvorfor vi bruger disse cookies samt, hvilke valg du har. Du kan til hver en tid ændre dine cookie-præferencer, som forklaret nedenfor.
Denne politik er indarbejdet i og udgør en del af vores Politik for privatlivets fred.
1. Hvad er cookies?
Cookies er små tekstfiler, der placeres på din enhed (f.eks. din computer, telefon eller tablet), når du besøger og navigerer rundt på bestemte websteder og applikationer. Cookies viser dine aktiviteter eller præferencer. Internetcookies er almindelige og vil ikke skade din enhed.
2. Typer af cookies
Der findes forskellige typer af cookies afhængigt af deres oprindelse, aktivitetens varighed og deres formål.
Afhængigt af deres oprindelse kan cookies enten være (1) 'første part', hvilket betyder at de er tilknyttet værtsdomænet (dvs., og at vi fuldstændigt kontrollerer de persondata, der indsamles gennem disse cookies, eller (2) 'tredjepart', hvilket betyder at de er knyttet til et andet domæne end, og at vi tillader tredjeparter at placere sådanne cookies på vores side, såsom analytiske cookies, til at indsamle og behandle dine persondata.
Afhængigt af aktivitetens varighed kan cookies enten være 'session'-cookies, hvilket betyder at de kun forbliver på din enhed under din browsersession (dvs. indtil du forlader hjemmesiden) eller 'vedvarende' cookies, hvilket betyder at de forbliver på din enhed efter en session i en bestemt opbevaringsperiode (medmindre du sletter eller deaktiverer den).
3. Hvordan kan jeg ændre min nuværende tilstand og mine valg med hensyn til cookies?
Hvis du vil administrere, give samtykke til eller slette cookies på vores websted, kan du til enhver tid gøre det ved at klikke på linket nedenfor 'Administrer samtykke'.
Hvis du har spørgsmål eller problemer med at opdatere dine indstillinger eller trække dit samtykke tilbage, er du velkommen til at kontakte vores kundesupport på eller vores databeskyttelsesansvarlige på
4. Hvilke cookies bruger vi?
a. Væsentlige Cookies
Vi bruger strengt nødvendige cookies, der er vigtige for, at denne hjemmeside fungerer korrekt. Disse cookies vises straks, når du besøger vores websted, og du kan ikke afvise dem eller deaktivere dem, hvis du ønsker at besøge vores websted. For eksempel bruger vi disse cookies til at aktivere købsfunktionaliteten på vores hjemmeside eller til at dirigere trafik til de rigtige servere på vores netværk.
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abTestVariantId | Session | internal | User for running AB test scenarios on list page |
ad | 30 dage | internal | Used for displaying available promotion campaigns |
ageVerificationStatus | Session | internal | Used to store the current status of age verification process |
ageVerificationToken | 1 dag | internal | Store age verification status |
are_essential_consents_given | 1 År | internal | Used to ensure whether the user has already been through the 18+ overlay (warning about adult material) - if not, the overlay is displayed |
awe_id | 30 dage | internal | Required to ensure that commissions are attributed to the right affiliate partners |
ccs | 30 dage | internal | Required to ensure that commissions are attributed to the right affiliate partners |
clicked | 30 dage | internal | Required to ensure that commissions are attributed to the right affiliate partners |
clubEliteBannerClosed | Session | internal | |
cobrandId | 30 dage | internal | Internal purpose only |
consent | 1 År | internal | Used to ensure compliance with our privacy obligations |
dismissedLanguageBanner | Session | internal | Store already closed language redirection banner status |
enabledListPageSmallerSectionsRandomization | Session | internal | Scenario tests on the list page |
experiment_unique_visitor_id | 1 År | internal | This cookie is used to track unique visitors to the site for experiments. |
forcedesktop | 1 time | internal | redirection handling |
gridSize | Session | internal | Used to ensure we show you the content in the format you prefer |
guest-favorites | Session | internal | Used to make sure the guests can add favorites to their list |
is_personalized_content_allowed | 1 År | internal | Used to ensure compliance with our privacy obligations |
is_personalized_content_consent_given | 1 År | internal | Used to ensure compliance with our privacy obligations |
is_personalized_content_dismissed | 1 År | internal | Used to ensure compliance with our privacy obligations |
is_sensitive_data_collection_allowed | 1 År | internal | Used to ensure compliance with our privacy obligations |
jsmAbTest | Session | internal | |
lastSession | Session | internal | Used to enable the purchase functionality |
listpage_member_id | Session | internal | Used to ensure that the content we display is coherent within the same session |
lla | Session | internal | Used to ensure that limited layout is displayed for the users |
LWGuestClaimToken | 1 time | internal | Used for displaying available promotion campaigns |
oneclick | Session | internal | adding oneclick |
originalNode | Session | internal | Used to route traffic to the right servers on our network |
over18Approved | 1 År | internal | Used to ensure whether the user has already been through the 18+ overlay (warning about adult material) - if not, the overlay is displayed |
psid | 30 dage | internal | Required to ensure that commissions are attributed to the right affiliate partners |
session | Session | internal | Used to ensure that the content we display is coherent within the same session |
token_id | 30 dage | internal | Required to ensure that commissions are attributed to the right affiliate partners |
tppId | 1 År | internal | Used to enable the purchase functionality |
unique_visitor_id | 30 dage | internal | Used to ensure the Wheel of Fortune works for guests and not only for members |
usertype | 30 dage | internal | Used to define the current visitor member state and therefore to route traffic to the right servers on our network |
_dc_gtm_UA-101445822-8 | Session | Used to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes | |
_dc_gtm_UA-45543902-8 | 1 minut | Used by third-party provider Google for their Analytical A/B testing feature, helping us test new features and whether they are working better on our website | |
_dc_gtm_UA-45543902-9 | Session | Used to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes | |
_dc_gtm_UA-89273677-2 | 1 minut | Used by third-party provider Google for their Analytical A/B testing feature, helping us test new features and whether they are working better on our website | |
_dc_gtm_UA-89273677-5 | Session | Used to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes | |
_ga | 2 år | Used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as an identifier | |
_gaexp | 3 år | Used for experimenting new features on the site and following up which user is testing which feature | |
_gat | 1 minut | Used to throttle request rate | |
_gid | 1 dag | Used to distinguish users |
b. Andre cookies
Vi bruger andre typer af cookies, som ikke anses for nødvendige for at bruge denne hjemmeside. For disse cookies skal vi bede om dit samtykke, inden vi placerer disse på din enhed (dvs. en fane, der blev vist på din enhed, da du besøgte vores hjemmeside for første gang). Du kan også vælge at give et specifikt samtykke pr. kategori af cookies via funktionen 'Administrer samtykke'.
Funktionelle Cookies
Disse cookies giver hjemmesiden mulighed for at huske dine valg eller præferencer (såsom dit sprog eller det område, du bor i), hvilket giver forbedrede og mere personlige funktioner.
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alId | 30 dage | internal | Used for authentication |
alToken | 30 dage | internal | Used for authentication |
autologin | 30 dage | internal | Used for authentication |
cardValidationAllowed | Session | internal | Defines if user is entitled for the bonus for card validation |
cardValidationStatus | 30 dage | internal | Used for card validation feature/bonus |
category | 1 År | internal | Used to remember the currently selected category on the site, i.e. your landing page |
firstListPageOrderType | 1 År | internal | Used to know what sorting option to apply to the user when the list page loads |
helloBarMessageDismissed | 1 time | internal | Used to define if the hello bar was shown to the user |
incompleted-unlock | 1 time | internal | Used to store the performer name where content unlock requires payment to ensure that the chat reopens with the right performer once succsessfully processing payment |
lastSeenCampaignId | 30 dage | internal | Used to keep track of the ID of the last campaign the user has been through to display consistent content |
listPageFavoriteOrderType | 30 dage | internal | Used to show you the content in the order you prefer on the favourite page |
listPageFavoriteViewType | Session | internal | |
listPageFavoriteViewTypeSwitched | Session | internal | |
listPageHistoryOrderType | 30 dage | internal | Used to show you the content in the order you prefer on the history page |
listPageIds | Session | internal | Used to facilitate your browsing by keeping history of the current session's last visited pages |
listPageOrderType | 30 dage | internal | Used to show you the content in the order you prefer on the listpage |
listPageSnapshotOrderType | 30 dage | internal | Used to show you the content in the order you prefer on the snapshot page |
logout | Session | internal | Used after logout to display or not the mobile advertisement overlay |
psidlanded | Session | internal | Affiliate, referral programs |
psref | Session | internal | Affiliate, referral programs |
pstour | Session | internal | Affiliate, referral programs |
refererid | Session | internal | Affiliate, referral programs |
site_lang | 30 dage | internal | Used to show you the content in the language you prefer (or, by default, the language of your browser) |
WoFData | 30 dage | internal | Used to keep track whether the user must see the Wheel of Fortune or rather Happy Hour |
Analytiske Cookies
Vi bruger disse cookies til at få indsigt i, hvordan du bruger vores hjemmeside. Det hjælper os med at forstå, hvordan du interagerer med vores hjemmeside, hvad der er interessant for dig, og hvordan vi kan forbedre vores tjenester og den samlede brugeroplevelse.
Navn | Udløb | Udbyder | Detaljer |
ABtesting | Session | Used by third-party provider Google for their Analytics A/B testing feature, helping us test new features and whether they are working better on our website | |
conversion_metric_product_number | Session | Used to determine the product a user buys on the website during this session, for analytical purposes only | |
hj_supportchat | Session | hotjar | This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether the user has interacted with the online support chat |
onefrontend_iframe_remaining_test_duration | Session | internal | Performance testing. |
session_initial_timestamp | Session | Used to determine the time a user spends on the website by keeping track of the first access (for this session only) | |
UF8ScsPC8hsT6ldgUm11 | Session | Used by third-party provider Google for their A/B testing feature, helping us test new features and whether they are working better on our website | |
_gac_UA-45543902-8 | Session | Used to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes | |
_gat_gtag_UA_127560459_1 | Session | Used to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes | |
_gat_UA-101445822-8 | Session | Used to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes | |
_gat_UA-45543902-8 | Session | Used to collect aggregated traffic statistics | |
_gat_UA-89273677-6 | Session | Used to collect aggregated traffic statistics | |
_ga_3Y2YXSQTXN | 2 år | Used to collect aggregated traffic statistics | |
_ga_V6B1R508XB | 2 år | Used to collect aggregated traffic statistics | |
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress | 1 time | hotjar | This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie |
_hjClosedSurveyInvites | 1 År | hotjar | This cookie is set once a visitor interacts with a Survey invitation modal popup. It is used to ensure that the same invite does not re-appear if it has already been shown. |
_hjDonePolls | 1 År | hotjar | This cookie is set once a visitor completes a poll using the Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the same poll does not re-appear if it has already been filled in. |
_hjDoneTestersWidgets | 1 År | hotjar | This cookie is set once a visitor submits their information in the Recruit User Testers widget. It is used to ensure that the same form does not re-appear if it has already been filled in. |
_hjFirstSeen | Session | hotjar | This is set to identify a new user's first session. It stores a True/False value, indicating whether this was the first time Hotjar saw this user. It is used by Recording filters to identify new user sessions |
_hjid | 1 År | hotjar | This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the random user ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. |
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample | 1 År | hotjar | This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit |
_hjIncludedInSample | 1 År | hotjar | This session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels. |
_hjIncludedInSessionSample | 1 time | hotjar | This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit |
_hjMinimizedPolls | 1 År | hotjar | This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site. |
_hjMinimizedTestersWidgets | 1 År | hotjar | This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Recruit User Testers widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site. |
_hjSessionRejected | Session | hotjar | If present, this cookie will be set to "1" for the duration of a user's session, if Hotjar rejected this session from connecting to our WebSocket due to server overload. This cookie is only applied in extremely rare situations to prevent severe performance issues |
_hjSessionResumed | Session | hotjar | A cookie that is set when a session/recording is reconnected to Hotjar servers after a break in connection |
_hjSessionTooLarge | Session | hotjar | Causes Hotjar to stop collecting data if a session becomes too large. This is determined automatically by a signal from the WebSocket server if the session size exceeds the limit |
_hjShownFeedbackMessage | 1 År | hotjar | This cookie is set when a visitor minimizes or completes Incoming Feedback. This is done so that the Incoming Feedback will load as minimized immediately if they navigate to another page where it is set to show. |
_hjTLDTest | Session | hotjar | When the Hotjar scripts executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternative until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed |
_uetsid | 1 dag | bing | To store and track visits across websites |
_uetvid | 16 dage | bing | To store and track visits across websites |
__asc | Session | alexa | Used to track and report information to the Alexa analytics service |
__auc | 1 År | alexa | Used to track and report information to the Alexa analytics service |
Personligt Indhold
Vi bruger software til at spore din adfærd på vores hjemmeside (f.eks. når du navigerer på vores hjemmeside, ser live streams, kigger på model profiler, ser live cam feeds osv.). Denne software gør det muligt for vores hjemmeside at vise modeller, der kan være af interesse for dig baseret på disse adfærdsanalyser.
For at give dig dette personaliserede indhold behandler og gemmer vi de oplysninger, der er relateret til din aktivitet (f.eks. kategorien af modeller, du har set eller den hjemmeside, du har besøgt), hvilket kan afspejle dine seksuelle præferencer.
Din accept af at bruge denne software betyder, at en cookie (dvs. 'gravity_cookie') placeres i din browser, så indholdet, vist på hjemmesiden, er tilpasset til dine behov. Derfor finder du hurtigt indhold vist på hjemmesiden, som er baseret på dine præferencer. Mere præcist, ved dit næste besøg vises en hjemmeside baseret på dine præferencer fra tidligere aktivitet.
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gravity_cookie | 30 dage | internal | Used for recommendation system |